Agura | agoura, cross leg tie, sitting indian style
iconic shibari tie where the model sits in a crossed legged position.
Aibunawa | caressing style
literally meaning “caressing rope”, aibunawa is a style which aims to get the bunny in a special place like a warm-up prior to a session
Amatta nawa
The excess of rope you can end up with at the end of a tie
tie where the arms are folded on the chest like in a fisherman with the hands being spreaded apart.
Aranawa (raw rope, rice rope)
Raw rope with a rough texture.
Bakushi (kinbakushi, nawashi, sensei, rope artist)
Honorific title given to a master, sensei, teacher, one’s mentor of kinbaku.
Traditional plant used in many ways for shibari.
Bamboo suspension (bamboo tying, take shibari)
Using a bamboo as main suspension point.
Short for “shibari” e.g. agura bari.
Bight (nawagashira)
The middle of the rope